Monday, September 4, 2017

A New Year, A New Class

Happy Labor Day! Labor Day marks the beginning of a new year of preschool at Miss Kandis: Preschool & Tumbling. Wednesday will be our first day of class! Miss Mikell and I are very excited about our theme for the year...

Life is a book. We fill the pages.

This year our curriculum is book based. That means each week we will read a book and pull topics and learning objectives from the story to teach the children. We hope the children will find this style of learning engaging and fun.

To kick off the year, we will be reading We Are In a Book by Mo Willems.

I look forward to seeing all my new students on Wednesday! Enjoy your last two days of Summer break!


Miss Kandis

Monday, August 7, 2017

Join us at the...

Come to the Preschool Open House on Monday, August 28th from 10-11am at the Provo Adventist Community Center. All are welcome to come and see what our program is all about. Those who are registered for the school 2017-18 school year will have a chance to meet the teachers, go on a scavenger hunt to help their child become more familiarized with preschool, and parents will receive a welcome packet. 

I look forward to meeting all of you!

Miss Kandis

Monday, July 17, 2017

Mom and Me

Join us tomorrow morning (Tuesday, July18th) for a FREE class with your little ones! We will be tumbling, crafting, and yoga-ing! So come on over to the PACC at 10am for some fun. It's a great way to get out of the summer heat.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Little Builders

One of our favorite places to visit is the Provo City Library. And right now is a great time to visit because it's the middle of summer and the weather is heating up! So if you're looking for a great activity for your preschoolers then definitely check out the Little Builders exhibit over there. This exhibit is geared toward kids between the ages of 2 and 7 but I took an 8 and 9 year old with me and they had a blast too. So it really is fun for all your children!

When you enter the 4th floor known as "The Attic" at the library the children get to dress up in hard hats and bright orange vests to get their imaginations rolling. They feel the part as they engage in different hands on building experiences such as building structures with blocks and pipes, using a pulley and conveyer belt, and hooking and moving blocks around with a child-sized crane.

Plan on on playing for at least an hour or two because there is so much for the children to get their little hands on. Oh, and did I mention it's FREE?!!!

For more information about the Little Builders exhibit visit

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Summer Schedule

Mark your calendars...
Here's what's goin' on this summer!

Mom & Me:

This is a FREE class for parents and their children. This class is best suited for children between the ages of 18months and 4 years old but all are welcome. We start the class off with 30 minutes of tumbling, then we transition to a fun take home craft, and then finish the class with relaxing yoga. Parent must be present for the duration of the class. The summer schedule is as follows...

Tuesday, June 13      9:30-10:30      FREE!
Tuesday, July 18       9:30-10:30      FREE!
Tuesday, August 1    9:30-10:30      FREE!

Summer Camp:

Summer camp is available for children between the ages of 3 years old and 6 years old. The camp includes 4 days of tumbling instruction, snack, hands on projects (crafts, science experiments, baking, etc.), and yoga. There will be two summer camps this year and the dates are as follows...

Session 1:      June 26-29     $50 (4 day camp)
Session 2:      July 25-27      $40 (3 day camp)

Space is limited for summer camp so don't hesitate to sign up. Please email and tell me which session you would like to sign up for and I will send you the appropriate paper work. 

Happy Summer!

Monday, April 10, 2017

FREE Mom & Me Activities

I will be holding a series of FREE Mom & Me classes on Tuesday's each week. At each class there will be TUMBLING, SOCCER, and a CRAFT. Be sure to mark your calendar for the following dates...

April 11 Easter Craft
April 18 Spring Craft
May 9 Mother's Day Craft
May 23 Flag Craft
May 30 Summer Craft

Come and enjoy some free play time with your little ones and socialize with other moms. See you there!

Lots of love,
Miss Kandis

Monday, April 3, 2017

Thank you for your interest...


Thank you for your interest in preschool. I wanted to give you more information about our program and our goals at Miss Kandis: Preschool & Tumbling.

We meet twice a week on Monday and Wednesday from 9:30am-11:45. Tuition is $100/month. We follow the Provo School District calendar for holidays and days off school.

Our preschool is located at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Provo. They are so kind to let us use their space over there for gymnastics and classroom time.

Our goal at Miss Kandis: Preschool & Tumbling is to offer children a variety of learning experiences that will develop gross motor skills, fine motor skills, social skills, and creative thinking and problem solving on a group level and individual level.

Our daily schedule is generally as follows:
9:30-10:15 Tumbling (every Monday, Wednesday will rotate between yoga, soccer, music and movement, baking, and park when weather permits)
10:15-10:25 Snack (we always offer a healthy snack including fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese, pretzels, and granola bars.)
10:25-10:35 Transition (fine motor skills such as playdough, dry erase books, lace and trace, stringing beads, etc.)
10:35-11:00 Carpet time (Pledge of allegiance, day of the week, weather, introduce letter and theme)
11-11:30 Learning Centers (a variety of learning activities that help teach the them while incorporating, math, science, art, handwriting, etc.)
11:30-11:40 Choice Play (children can choose between a few different toy options or activities to do for the remainder of class time)
11:40-11:45 Clean up and dismiss

Special events unique to our program:
Talent show – The first month of preschool we spend a lot of time getting to know one another including sharing our talents.
Old Folks Home – In November we like to visit our friends at the Provo Assisted Living Center. We sing songs to them and do a craft with the.
Winter Showcase and art show - In December we put on quite the show! The children will learn a choreographed dance routing, then show off all their tumbling tricks they have been learning. We also hold a children’s art show as a fundraiser to help give back to the SDA church for their generosity in letting us use their building for preschool
Carnival – toward the end of the year we have a fun carnival for friends and family.
Bike Parade – The children get to decorate their bikes and ride them around the parking lot in a parade with music and people cheering them on!
Graduation – At graduation, each child will have a chance to recite a nursery rhyme from memory, sing songs, and watch a slide show of all the fun things we did during the school year.

We generally schedule 3 - 4 field trips during the school year. We try to schedule them on Fridays so it’s kind of a bonus preschool day when we have them.

Let me know if you have any further questions. If you feel like this program is the right fit for your child then let me know and I will put them on the registration list. Official registration for 2017-2018 will begin the second week of May!

Miss Kandis

801-836-8801 cell

@miss.kandis Instagram